Dungeon Of Flowers (Matt Surka) Mac OS

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What happened to the people who wrote for Antic and STart magazines? Here arebios for all the Antic/STart writers, programmers, and editors that the Classic Computer Magazine Archivehas come in contact with. If you were published in the pages of Antic or STart,send in your bio for inclusion on this page.

Mydungeon chung is a small arcade hack & slash 2D/3D/fps/third person dungeon animated action rogue / ultima like freebasic game based on ' rogue like dungeon crawl ' free graphics plus my custom animated hero where you have to fight hordes of monsters and boss, and find food, potions, shields,weapons and gold. It is written in fast. A Mac OS X version was released as part of the Mac-compatible Steam platform on May 12, 2010. 11 The game primarily comprises a series of puzzles that must be solved by teleporting the player's character and simple objects using 'the handheld portal device', a device that can create inter-spatial portals between two flat planes. Leave a comment Nintendo Switch 1 2 switch, 2 ds, 2 ds xl, 2 player switch games, 2019 nintendo switch games, 2019 switch games, 2ds, 2ds case, 2ds games, 2ds xl, 2ds xl case, 2ds xl games, 2k19 switch, 3 ds, 3ds, 3ds amazon, 3ds android, 3ds case, 3ds charger, 3ds cia games, 3ds console, 3ds games, 3ds games 2018, 3ds games 2019, 3ds games on. Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news. Top-down Snake game for Macintosh. System 6 to Mac OS 9. Written in 1991 by Thomas Schulze, using Think C 4.0, in Mawson A.C.T. Eat flies, flowers and golden eggs. Unlock doors to proceed to other areas of the game. This item belongs to: software/softwarelibrarymac.

Marc Abramowitz wrote Red Squares(July 1989 Game of the Month) during a summeroff from school in Staten Island, New York. Soon, he followed it withPull-Down Menus(February/March 1990). After high school, Marc got his Bachelor's degree in computerscience from the State University of New York at Binghamton and later got a Master'sin the same from Stanford University. Since his Atari days, he's worked on a numberof software projects, including software for biomechanics research (at the LawrenceLivermore National Laboratory) as well as digital audio (including Digidesign'srenowned Pro Tools software). Today, he is a software engineer at Yahoo. He is alsoan avid guitar player. His web site is here.[List Antic articles]

Thomas J. Andrews wrote Customer List Manager(August 1989 Feature Application) for use at the family vegetable stand. Sales patterns havechanged, and Andrews Farm no longer uses a call list. Tom, along with hisbrother Jerry, own and operate Andrews Farm in Central New York. He stillhas the 800 he used to write the program, and it's still set up and readyto go. After writing for Antic, Tom joined the Atari Computer Enthusiastsof Syracuse, eventually becoming its 8-bit Newsletter Editor. While withACE, he wrote two shareware programs, Print Star and Reformat. PrintStar was partly inspired by Doc Print Pro, an Antic program written byRon Fetzer, another ACE member. He and Ron both remain members of TheOl' Hackers Atari User Group (OHAUG). Tom wrote several articles for Current Notesand Atari Classics, including an article for Atari Classics' Premier Issue.His current primary computer is an Atari Mega ST4. He owns neither Macintosh nor Windows PC.[List Antic articles]

Ray Bachand after writing midi articles founded and oversaw Thinkware forabout 10 years before selling it to Roland Corp. He moved to the Boston area,taught at Berklee College of Music and is now making custom, benchmade furniturein a restored barn on his farm in Mass. He still owns all his percussion instrumentsand his 80-8 midi synced recording studio.[List STart articles]

Tony Barnes had four games of the month published in Antic magazine.'There was another game (a Fort Apocalypse clone) called Savior, which wasunpublished because we had all moved onto the Amiga by the time it was to be released.After the acceptance of Escape from Hell, Antic offered me a job and I worked for them from 1987-1989. In addition to Antic, Amiga Plus and STart duties (I'm actually on the cover of the May 1989 issue),I also worked on many of the products published by Antic, such as; Zoetrope, GFA Basic (actually, I was the sole support for it here in America), and a slew of games for the ST & Amiga. I've kept active in the business and have worked at such places as Electronic Arts (the Strike Series), Britannica Software (Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia),THQ (MX2002), and Crystal Dynamics (Legacy of Kain). I am currently Lead Design atThe Collective in Newport Beach, where we work on next-generation titles, such asStar Trek DS9: The Fallen, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Indiana Jones.[List Antic articles]

Jon A. Bell, after working 10 years as an editor and writer in the computer magazine industry, changed careers to concentrate full time on producing 3D computer graphics and animation for television, films, computer games multimedia, and print. He provided 3D models and animation for the films Exorcist III: Legion; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Honey, I Blew Up the Kid; Soldier and Mighty Joe Young. His multimedia and game industry work includes architectural models and animation for the Oracle Systems Athenia CD-ROM, model designs and animation for LucasArt's Entertainment's X-Wing and Rebel Assault, Sega of America's Jurassic Park and Wild Woody CD-ROMs, and Gametek's Robotech and Wheel of Fortune. He has written three books on 3D Studio MAX.You can reach Jon at 74124.276@compuserve.com.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Elrhea Bigham was the author of Drawing Fun.She also published several children's games through Sublogic, including Adventure On A Boat, The Black Forest, Ghostly Manor, Robby The Robot Catcher, and SkyRescue. Today she works in Web design. Her own site is here. [List Antic articles]

Jeremy Birn wrote Quatrowhile he was in High School in Albany, New York. He went to collegeat Northwestern University where he starteddoing 3D work on his own Amiga 2000, and later on Silicon Graphicsworkstations. He moved to California, got an MFA in Film at the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, and is now a freelance 3D artistworking in the Hollywood, CA area. Jeremy is the author of the bookDigital Lighting & Rendering, and has portions of his book, samples ofhis 3D renderings, and related information at his web site,www.3dRender.com. [List Antic articles]

Lee Brilliant M.D.: After the passing of the Atari era, Dr. Brilliantcontinued to practice obstetrics and gynecology until 2000 when he retiredfrom medicine and pursued a full-time career in computers. He went backto school, got a degree in Business Information Systems and now managessystems at Utah State University.here. [List Antic articles]

Bill Bodenstein wrote two articles for Antic, plus a few for Analog Computing andCompute magazines while in college. 'I loved writingmachine language code and to this day I can still convert 6502 assemblyinstructions to decimal opcode numbers in my head, even though I haven'ttouched an 8-bit Atari in 11 years.' Today he works for a small healthcare company,MedPlus, as a manager of a software team. 'My experiences with the Atari computer helped meunderstand the lowest machine level workings of a computer, which isknowledge that helps me understand what really happens when I compile Cand C++ code on Windows PCs and UNIX servers. Mastering the simplestuff is necessary before you can grasp the more complex systems we havetoday. I miss the days where you actually could know everything thatwent on inside your computer.' His e-mail address isbbodenstein@cinci.rr.com[List Antic articles]

Heidi Brumbaugh, Programs Editor for START Magazine (previously editorialassistant for Antic and START) likes to tinker on Internet sites and write,both fiction and technical articles. She met her husband through Anticpublishing, former START author/programmer Jim Kent. They live in NorthernCalifornia with their two girls. When they recently set up the old Mega 2to play some old START games, one child asked, 'What's with the babycomputer?' Ouch! Visit Heidi's web site at www.heidi.to.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

James Capparell was publisher of Antic and STart. Later he was president ofMac Home Journal magazine.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

James Catalano wrote two games for Antic, Sorcerer's Apprentice and Saucerian Shootdown.These days, Jim is designing a trading card game. He created theDoom for Atari 2600 hoax.His Web page is here.[List Antic articles]

Christopher F. Chabris wrote most of his articles for Antic while he wasin high school in Armonk, New York, and most of his articles for STartwhile he was in college, majoring in computer science at HarvardUniversity. Later he was the editor of Chess Horizons magazine and thefounder of American Chess Journal, as well as the co-organizer of a seriesof human-versus-computer chess tournaments. His interests in computerchess and artificial intelligence led him to study cognitive neuroscience,and he received a Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard University in 1999.Now he is a Research Associate in Harvard's psychology department, wherehis work focuses on genetic influences on human cognition and brainfunction. His website is www.chabris.com.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Ian Chadwick eventually left the Atari universe to work as a freelancewriter, computer consultant, and animal behaviourist. In 1990, he moved outof the big city into a small Canadian town, where he worked as reporter andlater editor of the local newspaper. After almost a decade of covering localpolitics and snapping grip-n-grins of local service clubs, he left to workon web site design, literature, and operate his Mail Boxes Etc. franchise.When he's not in front of his computer, Ian rides his motorcycle into thebackroads of Ontario. Sometimes he still dreams about POKEY chips and thefun he had with his Atari 800.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Steve Chapman works in visual effects and has worked on-set on Star Wars 2,Harry Potter 1 & 2, The Matrix Reloaded, Lord of The Rings, and other films. HisAntic article, Dot Matrix Digitizer, 'was a good start, as I now create 3D models usingscan data of actors and sets. I must admit that Antic's staff writer Charles Jackson did screwup the electronics portion a bit and it didn't quite work right. Way to reverse that transistor, Charles!'His company's website is www.gentlegiantstudios.com. [List Antic articles]

Rob Chavers was just starting high school when he wrote the Tech Tip that appearedin the August 1988 issue of Antic magazine. 'I was on top of the world, and it was awonderful feeling to have something published. I graduated high school and joined theUnited States Army in 1990. After four years with uncle Sam, I attended the University ofMassachusetts pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering with concentration in Computer Science.Currently, I am a Software Engineer at a small genomics company in Woburn, MA.'His Web site is at www.rchavers.com[List Antic articles]

Ray Citak wrote Keyed Up! for Antic as well asthe APX program Name The Notes. Ray works as a piano technician in Laramie, Wyoming. His Webpage is here.[List Antic articles]

Chester Cox specialized in writing reviews of oddball products for both Anticand STart. 'Heidi claimed that I came across the most obscure pieces of software.It was easier for me to find these obscure items because I was stationed at Lowry AFB in Denver at the time. Not only was Horizon Computers (one of the bigger Atari distributors) in Denver, but so was the Atari Computer Club of Denver.' After leaving the USAF,Chester became a telecom analyst.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Bernard Cozier wrote the game Dimension Wizards.Born in Trinidad, he attended University in Florida and became a permanent resident of the USA.He works as a consultant for IBM Global Services and still plays games on his Atari XEGS.[List Antic articles]

Spencer Craske wrote 'Alien Asylum' atthe age of 15. 'What am I doing now? Same thing! I write videogames for the Sony Playstation. I currently work for a company called Radical Entertainment here in Vancouver, B.C. (Canada). I've been in the industry since 1991.'[List Antic articles]

Chris Crawford was a games designer/programmer at Atari, then supervisor of the SoftwareDevelopment Support Group (evangelizing the Atari,) and finally manager ofGames Research. 'I was laid off in March 1984 and went to work on theMacintosh, for which I wrote a number of games. I went on to found and writethe Journal of Computer Game Design, and to found and lead the Computer GameDevelopers' Conference in its early, non-commercial years. I've been workingon interactive storytelling technology since 1991.'[List Antic articles]

Dennis Debro wrote 'Nuclear Reactor' (Vol.9 No.1) and the Tech Tip'Machine Language Loader Menu'. 'It wasmy first (and quick) stab at writting AtariBASIC games.I had been typing programs in for years and decided to try to create one on my own. Of course after that my games got better but unfortunately Antic and A.N.A.L.O.G.(one was accepted by them too) went out of print. Currently I am the senior programmerfor the Managed Care devision of Per-Se Technologies. We are using Smalltalkto write a managed care system for medical insurance companies.'[List Antic articles]

Paul Driver, who wrote Keyboard Commander,built prototype circuitry for Mattel Electronics in the early 80s. 'In 1984, when I wrote Keyboard Commander,I was working third shift at The American Adventure at EPCOT Center. I would take Antic magazine(and Analog, and my various, and assorted programming manuals) in to work and study them during mybreaks and lunch.'[List Antic articles]

Dungeon Of Flowers (Matt Surka) Mac OS

Len Dorfman, Ph.D. is growing old graciously. At 50 he's still a public schoolteacher, married to the same goddess of his Antic days, father of a radiant twenty-fiveyear woman, a dedicated Tai Chi player, has written twenty-one books (on programmingwith 80x86 assembly, C and C++) and is author of the Win98/W2K freeware version ofPAX Chess, which is both recreational and research related. Len's playtimecurrently includes GUI development with VC++ and MFC, along with periodic DirectXcoding. His Web site is at http://users.systec.com/ldorfman/and his e-mail address is ldorfman@systec.com.[List Antic articles]

When Gavin Doughtie wrote for STart, he 'didn't even know C. Iwas fresh out of film school and making music videos for bands you never heard of. My ST hobby slowly took over my professional life, eventually leading to stints at Symantec, Enfish, idealab, ArsDigita, Sony Online Entertainment, and now a start-up developing networking technology for massive multiplayer games.'[List STart articles]

David Duberman, an Antic editor, was hired shortly after the first issue was published,where he stayed until mid-1984, when he went to work for Synapse Software, and later, Atari.'These days I'm a technical writer specializing in 3D graphics. I currently work for Discreet (formerly Kinetix) on the documentation for 3D Studio MAX, Character Studio, and related products. I really enjoy my work; it's exciting to be on the cutting edge of software development for such a major program! I also do some freelance writing, including articles for 3D magazine, and I occasionally do editing of 3D-related books for publishers like Peachpit and New Riders.'[List Antic articles]

Thomas Edwards wrote Crystal Caves, which appeared in the Best ofAntic Anthology, when he was a high school freshman. Today he is a broadcast engineerfor PBS, where he is responsible for satellite video data transmission.[List Antic articles]

Carl Evans lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife, Deej,and their four-pound Maltese lapdog, Skeeter. Carl now (2002) works at ComcastCorporation, and is their Regional Manager of Business Continuity (that's'Disaster Recovery' to you laymen) for all Comcast operations in the Stateof Texas. After buying his first Atari 800 in 1980 he wrote many programsfor the Atari, including several tape utilities and in 1982, with EricVerheiden, formed VERVAN Software to market various utilities such as,CASDUP, CASDIS, FULMAP, DISASM, DISDUP, & DOWNLD. From 1982 through 1987,Carl served as a regular columnist for Antic's Tape Topics, Tangle Angles,and Tech Tips columns. Carl is also the author of the classic Atariprogrammer's reference book, Atari BASIC: Faster and Better. His favoriteAtari game of all time is M.U.L.E. with 4 players.[List Antic articles]

Ron Fetzer, author of Doc Print-Pro,is retired from teaching Mathematics and Computer Science in New York City. 'I learned about computers and programming in the beginning of 1980 when there were very few courses on the subject. My computer education therefore was mostly self learned. I wrote the expanded documentation of Turbo Basic XL which is now the standard for that language. About 1986 I joined the OL' HACKERS A.U.G. INC. and have been a member ever since. Although I own a P.C. my favorite computer is still the Atari. I still program on it, although it is mostly for myself.'[List Antic articles]

David Fox co-wrote Computer Animation Primer in 1982, and then used the completedmanuscript to get a job as one of the first employees with the Lucasfilm Games Group(later to become LucasArts Entertainment). During his 10 year stay with the company,he was a designer, project leader, and programmer in several games, including theground breaking Rescue on Fractalus!. He also was a game designer at Rocket ScienceGames during its early years, then joined the dot.com movement as Director of NewContent for Talk City/LiveWorld Productions. He's now back in the games industryworking as a producer/designer for Xulu Entertainmentworking on the next generation of immersive entertainment. You can find out more athis Web site.Trivia: David is the pilot running towards the ship on the Rescue on Fractalus!box art.[List Antic articles]

Dan Fruchey came to STart from ST Applications, one of the first Atarimagazines. He regularly wrote articles for about two years and wasfinally became Desktop Publishing/Word Processing Editor for STart.He currently works for the County of Sonoma, California as a Programmer Analyst.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Angelo Giambra wrote two Articles for Antic and had several others published in Analog Computing.He now works at Raytheon in St. Petersburg, Florida, mostly on Windows 2000 Server platforms. 'I still miss writing 6502 assembly code. Everything I know about operating systems came from long hoursin my spare room poring over Atari OS source code listings. I still have my old Atari 800.'When he's not working on computers, Angelo plays guitar and composes music.[List Antic articles]

Mark Gierhart wrote Broadcast Automating Atari'Back then, I was a Broadcast Engineer for the Lima Broadcasting Co., engineering for two RadioStations, WIMT-FM and WIMA-AM. I am now Engineering Director for eight radio stations here in theLima & Findlay Ohio Market Areas. We've went from the 8-bit ($169) Atari based automation system tothe new Prophet Systems Automation & Digital Audio Storage System costing nearly $80,000. Backthen, the Atari, was used with the R-Time-8 Module to 'fire' spot (commerical) breaks, liners, andreel-to-reel music. Now, with the Prophet System, all audio is stored on the six 18 GB harddrives.'The 130XE automation system was taken offline in 1986, and a telephone screening program (also using a 130XE)was used until 1999. 'But if you take a look in the storage room, I'm sure you can still find the 5 1/4'floppies with the 130XE sitting alongside'[List Antic articles]

Steve Ginzburg was Antic's youngest author: he wrote the game Beam Me Up!(in the Oct/Nov 1989 issue) at age 12. 'I wrote the inline machine code in line 336 of the programwhen I had just learned assembly. Nowadays, I do assemblyprofessionally..I'm an engineer working on compiler internalsfor DSP chips. One of these days, I'm going to have to sit downwith a 6502 chart and disassemble that old code.. It should be good for a laugh.'[List Antic articles]

Nadav Gur created Antic Publisher and Dungeon Arcade for Antic when he was injunior high school. Today, he is the founder and CEO of MobiMate, a mobile software company.[List Antic articles]

Glenn Gutierrez (glenn@planethype.com) is a self-taught music producer, writer, engineer, remixer, graphic designer and webmaster.Gutierrez has sold millions of records and won numerous industry awards. He has had songson Billboard charts every single year since taking on his own projects with Classified Recordsin 1994. Glen's Web site is at http://www.planethype.com.[List Antic articles]

James Hague (jhague@dadgum.com)started Dadgum Games, a Mac-only game company, in 1996.'Got lots of good press and good feedback, but not enough financial rewardto keep at it full time. I'm currently doing programming for Volition, Inc. -- theFreeSpace people -- and doing more experimental game design on the side, when timepermits. I keep in touch with my 8-bit roots by running theGiant List of Classic Game Programmers site.'[List Antic articles]

Josepha Haveman is a developer for Wayzata Technology Inc. with 11 published titles of art and illustration materials. She is completing a CD-ROM-basedinteractive, multimedia archive of her work of a half-century of fine arts.'For the record, what I miss most about the Atari 1024 was CAD 3-D! I did a lot of good work with that which couldn't be carried over. It took a decade or more before there were apps for the Mac that could do similar things, none quite as nifty.'[List Antic articles]

Frank Hayes, Senior Editor of STart from 1987 to 1988, later was a reporter forBYTE, UnixWorld, Open Systems Today and Informationweek. He is now a weeklycolumnist for the newspaper Computerworld.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Carolyn Hoglin, author of Secretsof AtariWriter Plus (July 1987) and also 'Carolyn's Corner,' a series of columnsabout AtariWriter Plus that was available on CompuServe, says she is still avidly computing away,now on a Pentium PC. Her specialties are word processing, desktop publishing,and digital photo editing. Her e-mail address is choglin@usa.net.[List Antic articles]

Thomas Hopper, author of Monochrome Putmaker,completed his bachelor's in physics in 1993. He now lives in the Detroit area and isProgram Manager, Characterization and Quality, for Energy Conversion Devices. Thoughprogramming has never been a central part of his work, he always manages to find someuse for it, from writing Excel macros to overseeing the creation of large SQL databases.Working now on Mac OS X and Windows 2000/XP, he misses the customizability and simplicity ofhis Atari ST.[List STart articles]

Doug Hunt wrote the XL/XE RAMdisk handler.He went on to earn an A.S. in Computer Science at Mercer County Community Collegein Trenton, NJ. He graduated in 1998 with a degree in Technology Education from BallState University, in Muncie, IN. Doug resides in east-central Indiana, and currently teachesgrades 7-12 classes in communication, construction, manufacturing, and transportation.He occasionally misses the good 'ole days with his Atari, which he still owns, and it still works.[List STart articles]

Charles Jackson is the Internet Manager for Sun Microsystems Laboratories, the R & D division of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 'I have a patent fora global indexing application and several other patents pending.At Antic, I developed several image format converters, worked with Patrick Bass on a program to receive weather satellite images (using less than $10 in hardware,) and received a letterfrom Benoit Mandelbrot, requesting reprint permission formy 'Fractal Graphics' article in his book, Fractal Graphicson the Computer. (I still have that letter!!!)'[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Robert Jung wrote A-Rogue (May 1987) and has written forother Atari-related publications, including the now-defunct free AtariUsermagazine. He works today developing large-scale computer systems, fromautomated train control software to military air defense systems. Robertkeeps his toes in the Atari world by maintaining the Atari Lynx and AtariJaguar FAQs, along with a small archive of Atari-related news articles. And though he's traded in his Jackintosh for a Macintosh, he still has hisLynx, his Jaguar, and his Atari 800 (complete with Star Raiders, natch).[List Antic articles]

Brad Kershaw is now the I.S. manager for a news clipping service, has builtseveral computer networks, and the online trading system for Wells Fargo bank.[List Antic articles]

Greg Knauss wrote Killer Chess, Reardoor, and Frog.He now programs professionally, but misses his Atari 400 terribly.He's responsible for eod.com andmetababy.com, but will deny it if pressed.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Thomas Krischan wrote articles for Antic, Best of Antic Volume 1, and Analog Computing.He developed game and educational programs 'Cactus League Baseball', 'Botany Fruit Key', 'Sahara', and'Valley Of The Kings', which were sold through Dynacomp. Formally trained as a botanist and plant taxonomist,he curiously became a college professor of computer programming and taught for 23 years. 'I miss the clarityof the Atari 800. Programming it was facinating, exciting, and intuitive. I remember numerous occassionsof starting to write a program after dinner, and the next thing I knew I saw the sun rising. I hadworked on the machine all night. I fell in love with computers because of the Atari. I couldn't believethat I was being paid to have this much fun. Sometime after Y2K, computers stopped being fun. It becamea chore to use computers and to teach about them. It was time for me to find another career.' Tomhas returned to his botany roots. He and his wife now work their second careers as freelance garden writersand flower photographers. He owns a one acre flower garden in Big Bend, Wisconsin.[List Antic articles]

Thomas LaRosa wrote P/M Graphics Studiowhen he was seventeen. 'Currently I am living in Massachussetts where I enjoy a career inprogramming on Windows and Unix machines in languages like VB, SQL, C++ and Java. Recently Ibought an SIO2PC converter cable and started converting my old disks to ATRimages for use with an emulator program.'[List Antic articles]

Sheldon Leemon has the distinction of being the first unwittingcontributor to Antic, as his program 'Outer Space Attack,' firstpublished in Softside magazine, was submitted by Vince Scott ashis own work, and appeared as Pac Invadersin volume 1, issue 3. Sheldon won an Atari Star award for his APX programs, andwrote a number of articles about Atari 8-bit and 16-bitcomputers for magazines such as Compute, SoftSide and CreativeComputing. He says he would have written for Antic voluntarily had thepay scale been anywhere close to the industry standard.It is ironic that although Atari 8-bits were his first computer love,he is better known as the author of Compute's 'Mapping theCommodore 64.' That book borrowed the format of IanChadwick's 'Mapping the Atari' and sold more than 100,000copies, becoming the programming bible for that boxy, failure-prone monstrosity. After ten years of writing about the Amiga(the spiritual heir of the Atari 800), he is, alas, now writing aboutthe PC (the spiritual heir of the Commodore 64,) and runs theezsweep.com Web site.[List Antic articles]

Allen Miller wrote Collasping Deck,which was published in the final issue of Antic, 'as sort of a joke in response to a 'Commodore friend.'He does not know if the friend ever converted the program to his computer. He continues to work at whatis left of the former industrial complex near Cincinnati in the Utilities Department as the staffengineer and whatever else is needed. His goal is to teach high school math from a practical perspective.He has moved on to Windows-based PCs both at work and home.[List Antic articles]

Stephen Mortimer was a Contributing Editor to STart where he wrote the News,Notes & Quotes column. He came to STart from ST Applications and was lastfeatured in November 1990 after graduating from high school earlier in theyear. The highlight of his journalistic career was an interview with Hall &Oates and attending Comdex in Vegas at the youthful age of sixteen. TodaySteve has defected to Windows PC's exclusively after being a Mac user for afew years in college. He is settled in Boston and keeps busy being aportfolio manager at Wellington Management where he runs a mid-cap growthstock fund. In this job he has actually crossed paths with former Atariexec Sam Tramiel, reminding him of the good old days.[List STart articles]

Gregg Pearlman is the website and data manager, as well as the resident editor, for the Center of Excellence at Stanford School of Medicine. Since 1996 he has been doing a well-received website calledEEEEEE!, a newsletter by and for annoyed San Francisco Giants fans.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Michael Perry's first professional writing credit wasLights, Cameras, ST! in the Winter 1987issue of STart. For the last decade he has worked as a television writer and produceron shows such as The Dead Zone; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; NYPDBlue; The Guardian; Millennium; The Practice; American Gothic; Freakylinks;New York Undercover and Eerie, Indiana. [List STart articles]

Matthew Ratcliff, a gifted programmer, died in March 1999. His colleaguueRachel Holmen said, 'I was privileged to serve with 'MatRat', as he signed himself,as part of Borland's TeamB, volunteers who answered questions first on CompuServeand later on the Internet newsgroups. Matt leaves a wife and several childrenin the St. Louis area.'[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Andrew Reese, editor of STart from 1988 to 1990, is now the Academic Director of theGame Art and Design Program at The Art Institute of Phoenix. One of only threeCertified 3D Studio MAX instructors in the world, he has taught all levels of 3Danimation at the school and written or co-written eight books since leaving STart.He lives in Peoria, Arizona with his wife and daughter. You can contact him atareese@uswest.net orreesea@aii.edu.[List Antic articles][List STart articles]

Chris Roberts retired from the Atari world in 1993 after producing many ST programs, including G-MAN and DragonBattery for the STACY. After a shortstint as a science fiction author and completing school in Montana, he moved to Salt Lake City where he has worked a software/hardware architect. He is now the maintainer of www.osxgnu.org a MacOS X software archive and works for Broadcast International designing new ways tostream media across the Internet and satellite.[List STart articles]

Richard Seltzer worked for Digital Equipment for 19 years (until 1998), then Compaq, focusing on the Internet for the last five years, most recentlyas 'Internet Evangelist.' For Digital, he wrote the book The AltaVista SearchRevolution. Now, as an independent Internet marketing consultant, hehas written Web Business Bootcamp, Shop Online the Lazy Way, and Take Chargeof Your Web Site. In addition, Richard writes fiction and runs his own small publishingbusiness on the Internet. His Web site servesas a test ground for his Internet business ideas. You can reach himat seltzer_at_samizdat.com[List Antic articles]

Phil Seyer, the author of Atari Player Missile Graphics in BASIC, is continuing his programming efforts. He recently wrote AlwaysOnTop, a Windows utility that lets you keep any window on top of others. You can download a free trial of AlwaysOnTop. Phil is the webmaster of www.lovemusiclovedance.com and offers free online music lessons.When not programing utilities and teaching music, Phil writes stocktrading programs and gives privatedance lessons.[List Antic articles]

Advice inc mac os. Matt Shobe's first piece of published material was this review ofPaint.He is now a VP at the Chicago office of 724 Solutions, a wireless mobilecommerce software vendor.[List Antic articles]

Sheila (Spencer) Robbins wrote Disassembler for Antic, as well as a few articlesfor A.N.A.L.O.G. and Compute! Today she is Human Resources Coordinator for a food manufacturerin Augusta, GA. 'It's almost 30 years later and I'm still dreaming of being a programmer.' Her web site is here[List Antic articles]

Cassie (Stahl) Maas worked for Atari throughout the mid-eighties. 'It was, quite simply, the time of my life. I loved everything about it. I did a lot of writing for Atari as a technical writer, and I wrote a lot for other publications including InfoWorld,Antic and some others. After Atari, I went on to host the Computer Show on channel 20in the Bay Area. I went on to work for a variety of companies where I continueddoing the work I started at Atari. I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains on forty acres,completely off grid.' Cassie's web site. [List Antic articles]

Jeffrey Stanton wrote the game Olympic Dash and severalbooks about the Atari Computers. He left the computer business in 1986. 'To keep busy I wrote several self-published history books and sold them with myhomemade photo postcards on Venice Beach's boardwalk on weekends. Several peopleconvinced me to learn the Internet about four years ago. They loaned me theiroffices since I have never bought a PC; I still use an Amiga at home and I'm noton-line. I often use the library to get my E-Mail.'[List Antic articles]

Bob Stewart's old Atari 800 still runs. 'About the time of the articles some otherpeople and I started a company, Carousel Software, to write home educational software for theAtari. We ended up doing that and for the (yuk) Commodore 64. In 1984 I left my job at DigitalEquipment Corporation and three of us worked for Carousel full time for about 9 months. Wequit while we still had our shirts. We did publish some software ourselves, and had a few titlespublished by others, including Brain Strainers, Telly Turtle, and Music Painter. I went back toworking in telecommunications, specialized in network management system design and implementation,for Xyplex then Cisco Systems. I retired from Cisco and a 30-year high tech career in 1999.'[List Antic articles]

Rich Tietjens is a sysadmin for an international manufacturing firm, and runs hisown PC business the other 80 hours of the week.[List Antic articles]

Tay Vaughan was Senior Editor of Antic and senior technical editor of Atari Connection magazine.Today he is president of Timestream, a CD-ROM developmentcompany based in Appleton, Maine. His full bio is here.[List Antic articles]

John West (PC Print) is an independent technologyconsultant specializing in web and database programming using dotnet and c#.He still misses the days of peeks and pokes, when the hardware was directlyaccessible, and you really could start writing a program from a blank textfile without dependencies, includes, etc. His site is blog.johnwest.com. (1/12/11)

Russ Wetmore (Russ.Wetmore@POBox.com) wrote'Preppie!' which was a seminal game for the Atari 8-bit platform. Inaddition to writing entertainment and productivity software, Russ alsocontributed articles to several magazines including Antic. Russ moved on toa long successful career at Apple Computer, earning five software patentsand later achieving minor success with the first widely sold application fora PDA: 'Notion: The Newton List Manager'. Although known for his softwaretalent, Russ has spent most of the last ten years in senior management rolesin engineering, IT and marketing/strategy. Russ currently resides in London,England with his wife, Karen, as a Partner with marchFIRST.[List Antic articles][List STart articles][List Hi-Res articles]

Karl Wiegers parleyed his Ph.D. in organic chemistry into acareer at Kodak that moved from software development, to softwaremanagement, to software quality and process improvement. In 1997he left Kodak and started his own software process improvementconsulting company, Process Impact. Hehas written four books on software development: 'Creating aSoftware Engineering Culture' (1996), 'Software Requirements'(1999), 'Peer Reviews in Software: A Practical Guide' (2002), and'Software Requirements, 2nd Edition' (2003). He's also writtenabout 160 articles on software, chemistry, and military history.He now lives in Portland, Oregon. Assembly language programmingon the Atari 800 was still the most fun, though.[List Antic articles]

David Woolley completed a BA in English in 1994, a Diploma in Film & TV Production in 1997, and is currently finishing his MA in Film, TV & Media Studies.David still lives in his native New Zealand, and works nights at a televisionstation, a job that requires him to spend sit alone in a darkened room in thewee small hours. Somewhere in the middle of this hectic lifestyle he continuesto write fiction. Email: daveyw@ihug.co.nz[List Antic articles]

Jason Worley (info@texcs.com) wroteFile Master at the age of 15.After finishing his MBA degree at University of Oklahoma, he moved to Dallas to pursue better opportunities.Jason is now a VP of IT and Development, and has professional IT certifications including CISSP, PMP,CCSE+, MCSE and CCNP. Hobbies include guns, RC cars, computers, video games, media rooms and fast cars.He also operates a successful eBay business selling home automation equipment.His home page is at http://texcs.com.[List Antic articles]

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Video Game Description: One thousand zombies from the massacre of Hachiko High are crashing Olive's birthday party! Trapped in the Grimalkin Estate they'll have to unravel the mystery behind the zombies, all while making sure their friends are having the Purrfect Apawcalypse!
Genre: Adventure, Visual Novel
Publisher: 90% Studios
Developer: Denny Truong, Andy Schneider
Rating: N/A

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Dungeon Of Flowers (matt Surka) Mac Os Catalina


  • Purrfect Apawcalypse is a dark comedy interactive fiction about dogs, cats and the apocalypse. The places you go, characters you meet and choices you make will lead you either to death or happiness, so choose wisely!
  • This game contains cartoon gore, bifurcated dogs, headless dogs, generally dogs not having a great time! Play at your own discretion!


    • OS: Windows 7
    • Processor: 2 GHz
    • Memory: 1 MB RAM
    • Graphics: Dedicated graphics card with 128 MB RAM
    • Storage: 400 MB available space

    • OS: Mac OS X 10.6 or above
    • Processor: 2 GHz
    • Memory: 1 MB RAM
    • Graphics: Dedicated graphics card with 128 MB RAM
    • Storage: 400 MB available space

Dungeon Of Flowers (matt Surka) Mac Os Download





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